Highly contagious, this “big three” of diseases used to just be part of growing up until vaccination programs began in the 1960s, making measles, mumps, and rubella extremely uncommon in the US. Our exclusive MMR Box has you covered for when your unvaccinated child encounters these blasts from the past.
What’s in the box?
Wool Scarf - This stylish scarf will help you hide your child’s swollen face and neck when they contract the mumps.
Hearing Aids - Be prepared. Measles and rubella both have the potential to cause temporary and, in some cases, permanent hearing loss.
Walking Cane - Measles is the leading cause of childhood blindness in developing countries due to limited access to vaccination. Now your child is at risk as well.
What rash is this? A Diagnosis Picture Book - Out of print since the early ‘80s, this classic tale will mildly entertain your sick child and help you determine which of these three preventable diseases they have.
Each box is priced based on the cost per hospitalization for each of the diseases according to the CDC.